Thursday, March 29, 2018

My Dream

I have always wanted a farm of my own. One that provides homegrown nourishment and work for the body and soul, my body and soul. I want a farm where I can go outside and not only drink coffee and watch the trees blow in the wind, but where I can step out my door every evening to wind down with 30 minutes of yoga. I want to gather eggs from my chickens and pick apples from trees in the orchard. I want the peaceful work that comes from a farm.

I went to Tractor Supply yesterday just to see the chickens. I like to hear the chickens and smell the chickens and I wish they would have let me hold them.
Chickens are the best! They act so crazy sometimes with all of their pecking order behaviors until you realize people act that way too! We are just missing the feathers. 

I've had chickens. I loved them. They have even provided homegrown eggs for my frying pan. Let me tell you. There is no better egg than a fresh, farm egg. It is true. They are the best. The flavor is more full and robust. It would go perfectly with my Chipotle pepper sauce!

I want to pick fruit from my trees and eat it. I want to take the fruit to the farmers market and stand with other farmers trying to make a living! 

I have been cleaning up my stuff in my house and I keep finding notebooks where I wrote out different plans for having a farm. Different plans for all the animals I want. Different plans for how I can make my living off the land. I've never had the guts to go for it. I've never been man enough to just do it! My Dad says I'm too old now to try and farm. Am I? 

I think that now is the time that if I want a farm, I need to go for it! I need to write out my plan now better than ever and go for it! I need to believe in myself so very much that nothing can stop me! I CAN have a farm. I can have my dream! I don't have to wait until I really am too old to go after this dream of mine. I want my farm. 

Now, how to make my farm a reality? At the moment I live in a suburb in the city. I can have rabbits, but no chickens and definitely no goats! I had started a small farm at my parents' house at one time. I loved it! We had rabbits and chickens and a garden! We had blueberry bushes and grape vines! We had planted 2 peach trees and a fig tree. It was coming along great! The ground at their house is terrible and needs many additives to sustain goodness; but, it was getting there! We had to leave in the middle of the summer one year. We've not really gone back to it for more than just a visit. 

I am trying my best to work from home creating artwork for cards and any other artsy thing I can come up with to do. I love crafting. It is part of me. I know I wasn't given this talent for no reason. I made a card last night with chickens on it. I love it. I think it's awesome!
I also love the beach. I have been learning quilling and the bird was sitting there asking to be added to this card. Does it make sense to have a seagull with the chickens? Well, it works in my mind. The most beautiful sight I have ever seen was horses being ridden on the beach. It was breathtaking and the only picture I have of that is in my mind. It was amazing and I will never forget the sight of it. 

Animals have always soothed me. Last year when I was teaching in Savannah, was hell (That is the best way to describe it.) I was scared and prayed for my life every day I was there. On the worst days, when I would get out of my car at that awful place and pray for my safety, I'd hear a rooster crowing. I knew that it was my little sign that someone was watching out for me and I'd make it through that day. A rooster crowing became one of the sweetest sounds this country girl could hear. I needed that sound. It gave me hope.

Now, I have decided and I am committing to my dream. I WILL have my farm. I don't know yet how I will afford to move and buy my farm; but, it's happening. I am not too old to follow my dreams! I've only just begun to live and I intend to be here for a while! Look out chickens! Here I come!

Peace and Love,


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